School of Karate at Rajkot
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+91 97269 11902
Hobby Centers
Karate Camp 2013
Race Course 2011
Balbhavan Practice
Karate Camp 2003
Goa Tournament 2012
Indor Stadium Tourmament
Janmashtami Public Relly 2001
Lalpur Tournament
Tournament Medals
Saint Thomas School
Sorathiawadi Circle Class
Students Exam
Shotokan Karate
Japanese Karate Words
Mixed martial arts (MMA)
Jet Li
The Father of Shotokan:Gichin Funakoshi
Jackie Chan
Nayan Chavda
Japanese Karate Words
Other Techniques
Shotokan Karate
Japanese Karate Words
Mixed martial arts (MMA)
Jet Li
The Father of Shotokan:Gichin Funakoshi
Jackie Chan
Google Plus
Japanese Karate Words
One - Ichi
Two - Ni
Three - San
Four - Shi
Five - Go
Six - Roku
Seven - Shichi
Eight - Hachi
Nine - Ku
Ten - Ju
Twenty - Niju
Thirty - Sanju
Forty - Yonju
Fifty - Goju
Sixty - Rokuju
Seventy - Nanaju
Eighty - Hachiju
Ninety - Kuju
One Hundred - Hyaku
Dans (Black Belt levels)
First Dan - Shodan
Second dan - Nidan
Third Dan - Sandan
Forth Dan - Yondan
Heisoku Dachi - Closed foot stance (feet together)
Musubi Dachi - Formal attention stance (heels together, feet at an angle)
Heiko Dachi - Parallel stance (feet shoulder width apart)
Migi Heiko Dachi - Right foot forward Heiko Dachi
Hachiji Dachi - Natural stance (feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly out)
Uchi Hachiji Dachi - Natural stance with heels out and toes in
Shiko Dachi - Straddle leg stance
Naname Shiko Dachi - Diagonal straddle leg stance
Kiba Dachi - Horse riding stance
Sanchin Dachi - Hourglass stance
Zenkutsu Dachi - Front stance
Han Zenkutsu Dachi - Half front stance
Fudo Dachi - Free stance
Kokutsu Dachi - Back stance
Neko Ashi Dachi - Cat foot stance
Renoji Dachi - The letter "Re" stance (or "L" stance)
Sesan Dachi - Side facing straddle stance
Sagiashi Dachi - Heron stance
Bensoku Dachi. - Cross - legged stance (also known as female horse stance or Kosa Dachi)
Naihanchi Dachi - Kiba Dachi with the heels out and toes in
Gedan Barai - Downward block
Uchi Uke. - Inside forearm block
Soto Uke - Outside forearm block
Chudan Uke - Inside circular block
Jodan Uke - Upward block
Age Uke - Rising block
Shuto Uke - Knife hand block
Shotei Uke - Palm heel block
Shotei Otoshi Uke - Open hand dropping block
Yoko Uke - Circular block
Hiki Uke - Pulling/grasping block
Ko Uke - Wrist block
Gedan Uchi Barai - Outside downward block (open hand)
Ura Uke - Back hand block
Hiji Uke - Elbow block
Mawashi Uke - Round house block
Morote Uke - Augmented block
Sukui Uke - Scooping block
Nagashi Uke - Sweeping block
Kosa Uke - Cross block
Hiza Uke. - Knee block
Sokutei Osae Uke - Pressing block with the sole of the foot
Sokutei Harai Uke - Sole of the foot block
Haisoku Barai - Instep block
Hand Techniques (strikes and punches)
Seiken Tsuki - Fore fist strike
Oi Tsuki - Lunge punch
Gyaku Tsuki - Reverse punch
Age Tsuki - Rising punch
Nihon Tsuki - Double punch
Sanbon Tsuki - Triple punch
Kagi Tsuki - Hook punch
Yama Tsuki - Mountain punch
Awase Tsuki - U - punch
Heiko Tsuki - Parallel punch
Hasami Tsuki - Scissors punch
Nagashi Tsuki - Flowing punch
Nakadaka Ken - Middle finger knuckle fist
Ko Uchi - Bent wrist strike
Kote Uchi - Forearm strike
Kama - De - Bear hand
Washi - De - Eagle hand
Empi - Elbow strike
Choku Tsuki - Straight punch
Ura Tsuki - Short punch (palm side up)
Uraken Uchi - Back fist strike
Shuto Uchi - Knife hand strike
Haito Uchi - Ridge hand strike
Hiji Uchi - Elbow strike
Tettsui Uchi - Bottom fist strike (or hammer fist strike)
Nukite Tsuki - Finger thrust
Shotei Uchi - Palm heel strike
Shotei Tsuki - Palm heel thrust
Keikoken Tsuki - One knuckle fist
Kaikoken Tsuki - Crab shell fist
Boshiken Tsuki - Thumb fist
Furi Tsuki - Circular punch
Mawashi Tsuki - Round hook punch
Tate Tsuki - Vertical punch
Kizami Tsuki - Leading punch, or jab
Foot Techniques
Mae Geri Keage - Front snap kick
Mae Geri Kekomi - Front thrust kick
Yoko Geri Keage - Side snap kick
Yoko Geri Kekomi - Side thrust kick
Mawashi Geri - Round house kick
Ushiro Mawashi Geri - Round house to the rear kick
Gyaku Mawashi Geri - Reverse round house kick
Ushiro Geri - Back thrust kick
Kanketsu Geri - Stamping kick, joint kick
Hiza Geri - Knee kick (also called Hiza Ate)
Nidan Geri - Double front snap kick (back leg first)
Ren Geri - Double front snap kick (front leg first)
Ashi Barai - Foot sweep
Mae Tobi Geri - Jumping front kick
Tobi Nidan Geri - Jumping double kick
Yoko Tobi Geri - Jumping side thrust kick
Kakato Geri - Heel kick
Fumikomi Geri - Stamping kick
Tsumasaki Geri - Kicking with the tips of the toes
Haisoku Geri - Kicking with the instep
Sokuto Geri - Kicking with the foot edge
Age Tsuki - Rising punch -
Age Uke - Rising block -
Ashi Barai - Foot sweep -
Awase Tsuki - U - punch -
Bensoku Dachi. - Cross - legged stance (also female horse stance or Kosa Dachi)
Boshiken Tsuki - Thumb fist -
Choku Tsuki - Straight punch -
Chudan - Middle area -
Chudan Uke - Inside circular block -
Empi - Elbow strike -
Fudo Dachi - Free stance
Fumikomi Geri - Stamping kick -
Furi Tsuki - Circular punch -
Gedan - Lower area -
Gedan Barai - Downward block -
Gedan Uchi Barai - Outside downward block (open hand) -
Go - Five -
Goju - Fifty -
Gyaku Mawashi Geri - Reverse round house kick -
Gyaku Tsuki - Reverse punch -
Hachi - Eight -
Hachiji Dachi - Natural stance (feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly out)
Hachiju - Eighty -
Haisoku Barai - Instep block -
Haisoku Geri - Kicking with the instep -
Haito Uchi - Ridge hand strike -
Hajime - Begin -
Han Zenkutsu Dachi - Half front stance
Hasami Tsuki - Scissors punch -
Heiko Dachi - Parallel stance (feet shoulder width apart)
Heiko Tsuki - Parallel punch -
Heisoku Dachi - Closed foot stance (feet together)
Hidari - Left -
Hiji Uchi - Elbow strike -
Hiji Uke - Elbow block -
Hiki Uke - Pulling/grasping block -
Hiza Geri - Knee kick (also called Hiza Ate) -
Hiza Uke. - Knee block -
Hyaku - One Hundred -
Ichi - One -
Jodan - Upper area -
Jodan Uke - Upward block -
Ju - Ten -
Kagi Tsuki - Hook punch -
Kaikoken Tsuki - Crab shell fist -
Kakato Geri - Heel kick -
Kama - De - Bear hand -
Kamae - Ready and alert -
Kanketsu Geri - Stamping kick, joint kick -
Keikoken Tsuki - One knuckle fist -
Kiba Dachi - Horse riding stance
Kime - Focus -
Kizami Tsuki - Leading punch, or jab -
Ko Uchi - Bent wrist strike -
Ko Uke - Wrist block -
Kokutsu Dachi - Back stance
Kosa Uke - Cross block -
Kote Uchi - Forearm strike -
Ku - Nine -
Kuju - Ninety -
Kumite. - Sparring -
Mae Geri Keage - Front snap kick -
Mae Geri Kekomi - Front thrust kick -
Mae Tobi Geri - Jumping front kick -
Mawashi Geri - Round house kick -
Mawashi Tsuki - Round hook punch -
Mawashi Uke - Round house block -
Migi - Right -
Migi Heiko Dachi - Right foot forward Heiko Dachi
Morote Uke - Augmented block -
Musubi Dachi - Formal attention stance (heels together, feet at an angle)
Nagashi Tsuki - Flowing punch -
Nagashi Uke - Sweeping block -
Naihanchi Dachi - Kiba Dachi with the heels out and toes in
Nakadaka Ken - Middle finger knuckle fist -
Nanaju - Seventy -
Naname Shiko Dachi - Diagonal straddle leg stance
Neko Ashi Dachi - Cat foot stance
Ni - Two -
Nidan - Second dan -
Nidan Geri - Double front snap kick (back leg first) -
Nihon Tsuki - Double punch -
Niju - Twenty -
Nukite Tsuki - Finger thrust -
Oi Tsuki - Lunge punch -
Randori - co - operative sparring -
Rei - Bow -
Ren Geri - Double front snap kick (front leg first) -
Renoji Dachi - The letter "Re" stance (or "L" stance)
Roku - Six -
Rokuju - Sixty -
Sagiashi Dachi - Heron stance
San - Three -
Sanbon Tsuki - Triple punch -
Sanchin Dachi - Hourglass stance
Sandan - Third Dan -
Sanju - Thirty -
Seiken Tsuki - Fore fist strike -
Sesan Dachi - Side facing straddle stance
Shi - Four -
Shichi - Seven -
Shiko Dachi - Straddle leg stance
Shodan - First Dan -
Shotei Otoshi Uke - Open hand dropping block -
Shotei Tsuki - Palm heel thrust -
Shotei Uchi - Palm heel strike -
Shotei Uke - Palm heel block -
Shuto Uchi - Knife hand strike -
Shuto Uke - Knife hand block -
Sokutei Harai Uke - Sole of the foot block -
Sokutei Osae Uke - Pressing block with the sole of the foot -
Sokuto Geri - Kicking with the foot edge -
Soto Uke - Outside forearm block -
Sukui Uke - Scooping block -
Tate Tsuki - Vertical punch -
Tettsui Uchi - Bottom fist strike (or hammer fist strike) -
Tobi Nidan Geri - Jumping double kick -
Tsumasaki Geri - Kicking with the tips of the toes -
Uchi Hachiji Dachi - Natural stance with heels out and toes in
Uchi Uke. - Inside forearm block -
Ura Tsuki - Short punch (palm side up) -
Ura Uke - Back hand block -
Uraken Uchi - Back fist strike -
Ushiro Geri - Back thrust kick -
Ushiro Mawashi Geri - Round house to the rear kick -
Washi - De - Eagle hand -
Yama Tsuki - Mountain punch -
Yame - Stop -
Yoi - Ready -
Yoko Geri Keage - Side snap kick -
Yoko Geri Kekomi - Side thrust kick -
Yoko Tobi Geri - Jumping side thrust kick -
Yoko Uke - Circular block -
Yondan - Forth Dan -
Yonju - Forty -
Zenkutsu Dachi - Front stance